This app can meet a number of different purposes, such as generating random numbers, playing Lotto games, selecting items randomly.
The app uses the following two methods:
1 Random Selection
2 Random Position
1 Random Selection:
“Random Selection” method selects a number of participants from the user’s given input values. This method asks the user to provide two input values:
1.a Total Participants
1.b Selected Participants
1.a Total Participants:
The user needs to provide the number of participants to be part of the random selection process.
1.b Selected Participants:
Here, the user needs to provide the number of participants to be selected from the given number of “Total Participants”.
After the user gives the input values, the user will then be taken to the next step once the “Right Arrow” key is selected. Now, a list of circular buttons including numbers ranging from 1 to the user’s given “Total Participants” value will be shown within a grid layout. Each number represents the “Token Number” of a participant. Each user can select a button while remembering the user’s “Token Number”. The user can skip the number selection step just by selecting the “Right Arrow”, if that suits the purpose. Then, a list of randomly selected participants with the “Token Numbers” will be shown. The shown results are completely random and users can trust the selection process.
2 Random Position:
“Random Position” method positions a number of participants from the user’s given input value. This method asks the user to provide one input value:
2.a Total Participants
2.a Total Participants:
The user needs to provide the number of participants to be part of the random positioning process.
After choosing a number, the user will then be taken to the next section where the user’s chosen number of circular buttons with question marks will be appeared. Each user can select a button of the user’s choice to see the position. The positions are determined randomly and users can trust the results. Users can also see all the positions at the same time just by selecting the “See All” button, if that suits the need.